
I like Adam DeVine on The Righteous Gemstones and that one Pitch Perfect movie I saw on a plane. Don’t know what you’re talking about but it sounds bad.

Honestly I watched that pilot episode of Velma and didn’t think it was the worst thing ever but I also had no desire to ever watch another episode.

The only time I found Chris D’Elia funny was on Workaholics where he coincidentally played a pedophile. I liked Workaholics but I would be shocked if it still holds up. 

Funny how all my picks would be mostly European and Asian cinema with several South American films but virtually nothing from the US. The total opposite of your list.

The credits say John Jay Smith. I hear he was friends Sam Etic.

It’s true we are all gaga for Lisa Goes Gaga

The best Simpson episodes are the ones where they kiss the celebrity’s ass. Everyone says their favorite episodes are Lisa Goes Gaga and The Musk Who Fell to Earth

I’ll ignore the Scientology thing if Tom Cruise keeps making movies where he does increasingly dangerous stunts. I think that is a fair deal.

Vice had some cool documentaries but it also gave us Gavin McInnes so mixed bag. 

Se we are just cool with that shitty JD Vance movie? As someone who is now represented by that piece of shit I can honestly say “Go fuck yourself Ron Howard!”

If Hollywood thinks they can make money from you then you are never really cancelled. 

The only that can save Bioware is a game featuring fat Russell Crowe.

Can’t believe it’s because she was my first celebrity crush. 

I remember loving the Syphon Filter games but they did not age well. It’s still fun to taze a dude until he catches on fire. 

It’s a certified hoot.

How fucked up is it that Blade came out in 1998 and the MCU didn’t release a movie with an African American superhero as the lead until 2018? 

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Sorry can’t take a list seriously that has Punisher: War Zone ranked so low.

No Family Guy? That seems like a huge oversight.

What’s Jameela Jamil’s deal? I know she was on The Good Place but does she do anything else besides give her opinion on stuff? They aren’t even controversial most of the time and at worse are kinda stupid.

The only fun left on Twitter is reveling in its downfall.