
Does anyone remember when they tried to remake Road House with Ronda “Sandy Hook Truther” Rousey? 

I’m not a Nazi unlike J.K. Rowling so I don’t burn books.

Congrats to J.K. Rowling for completing the TERF to full blown Nazi pipeline!!!

Oh no! I totally know who that is and watch all the time. 

Cool! I can immediately dismiss this list because the first slide is Robert Altman’s amazing live action Popeye movie. Like I’d give you the Prairie Home Companion movie or even though I like it OC and Stiggs but not Popeye.

Not a big 90's Iron Maiden fan but I like the song Man on the Edge which was inspired by Falling Down.

Snatch is great but I prefer Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. I like both but Snatch is like when a punk band makes a heavily produced album and Lock Stock was more DIY. 

They let Josh Harnett be in movies again? That’s cool I never really had a strong opinion on him other than I kinda liked Lucky Number Slevin.

A friend made a dumb joke that the sequel to the Sidney Poitier directed and unfortunately Bill Cosby starring movie Ghost Dad should be called Ghost of Ghost Dad. 

WTF are you talking about? 

Glad I live close to a Marcus and an independently owned and operated movie theater. 

I kinda just want a turned based JRPG that looks really pretty. 

Glad to see Puppet Master 3 take the top spot. It was nice seeing those wacky puppets killing Nazis. 

it’s all going to be garbage eventually isn’t it? all of it including us

Never played the sequel because I accidentally got way over powered halfway through the first game and quit because it became boring. 

Jennifer Tilly does her Family Guy lines over the phone while in a cage with her soul trapped in a doll’s body. Isn’t technology great?


I bet that the previously on will cover what you need to know from The Book of Bobby Feta.

What Pokemon is Jennifer Coolidge? 

I don’t think Gary Larson deserves to be ranked so high. Sure that Cow Tools comic is weird but I don’t think Gary meant anything sinister by it.