
Seemed like the point of her character is that she is immature and letting her grudge with Obi Wan cloud her judgment. It’s only been two episodes and I got no problem with Moses Ingram. My biggest takeaway from those first two episodes is Flea is now an official part of Star Wars canon. 

I have a different favorite Assassin’s Creed game and that makes me angry for some reason. 

does it pass the Bechdel test?

You are forced to name your child either Katniss or Khaleesi what do you choose? 

Weezer is what you have to suffer through to see the band you actually came for.

Is this The Onion? Sound Library? Silly Billy don’t you know you have to be quiet inside a library? 

I enjoyed Burger Bob and his movie. 

I want the sequel where they embrace all the meme shit and it’s really embarassing. 

I hope Bat-Mite shows up. 

You’re welcome. They said the show was more Star Trek than current Star Trek. 

Hologram Lennie Briscoe for season 2

Friends whose opinions I trust tell me The Orville is good so it’s on my list of shows I need to check out but near the bottom.  

I hope the sequel has more Mad TV alumni. Give me a Will Sasso, Stephnie Weir, or a Mo Collins. Hell I’ll settle for a Frank Caliendo or even a Josh Meyers.

Which member of Nsync do you think would be most likely to survive a Squid Games scenario? I think it is JC Chasez. What about you?

Could Bob from Bob’s Burgers make a burger so delicious that Thanos would give up his genocidal ways?

Realized that if you put a gun to my head and asked me to name a Harry Styles or even a One Direction song I couldn’t give you one to save my life. Thanks to the music streaming services, podcasts, and cars with built in bluetooth I’ve been out of the loop on pop music for nearly a decade.

It makes me happy that Willow has a large enough fan base to warrant a streaming series. Doesn’t matter if the show is bad or good just glad to know I wasn’t the only weirdo who wore out a VHS copy of Willow. 

No Escape rocks! Critics be damned!

I was obsessed with Goodfellas as a teen just discovering movies. RIP

Going to pitch a show that is just a slideshow of random 80's products while Killing Jokes’s Eighties plays on a loop.