
Y’all ain’t playing Turdle?

I used to be one of those lame assholes that was like “there is no good music anymore” but every month there is like two or three albums I’m excited for like Drug Church, Band of Horses, and I’m curious about the new Franz Ferdinand album. Hell next month I’m pumped for the new PUP album.

Who is more review proof, Adam Sandler or Tyler Perry?

How would Mr. Freeze smoke a cigarette? 

Call me a freak but I loved Danny DeVito’s Penguin. “Still could be worse, my nose could be gushing blood.” How could you not love that?

Curious what you thought about Iron Man 2 originally. Saw it again recently and I think I can safely say that it’s second only to The Eternals as worst MCU movie. I should probably reevaluate those first two Thor movies because I remember those being pretty terrible as well. 

Yes it is. While I liked the first one I’d rather save my money for Elden Ring and the new Kirby game. 

You just gotta uphold the canon of the Nicktoonaverse!!!

Thinking about how funny Colbert used to be and how quickly he morphed into just another bland inoffensive late night host really bums me out.

He realized they were dumb and backed out. Al from Home Improvement smarter than Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon. 

Even if it worked as intended all these Conservative Twitter replacements fail to realize is that being in an echo chamber sucks. Hard to drink “liberal tears” with your racist and homophobic rants if everyone on the site agrees with your ignorant beliefs.

Here’s a tip: If you wait long enough Sony will eventually give this away for free or very close to free like they did with the first one. 

That’s cool you like jacking off to video game feet. Never been a foot guy either real or digital but whatever floats your boat. 

Oy! Someone done nicked me ape!

Someone tweeted that you could beat the entirety of Resident Evil 8 before the game lets you access the open world. That sounds exhausting. 

Maybe they should climb a watch tower and scan the horizon for potential buyers to pop up on their map.

The messed up thing is I’ve heard the pillows aren’t even that comfortable and that is from relatives who voted for Trump twice if you know what I mean.

That’s cool you wrote all that I was just thinking of that song, “Short People Got No Reason to Live”. Also it’s a joke response because that song is about how silly prejudices are.

Randy Newman cancelled?