
You want some rare Samuel L Jackson might I suggest Def by Temptation? It’s a small role but you also got the late great Bill Nunn and Kadeem Hardison AKA Dwayne Wayne from A Different World. 

That’s the dream gig isn’t it? Crank out like an entire season worth of episodes in a couple of weeks and get millions to do nothing for the rest of the year. 

Until we see what Levar Burton can do I’m team Aaron Rodgers.

have it be Laura Dern saying pew pew

Capcom really did just steal shit wholesale from Frankenstein’s Army for the Factory section didn’t they?

Remember when Rick turned himself into a pickle? That was the height of comedy if you have a high enough IQ. 

Same boat now every dumb thing him or his brother does I have to see at multiple news sites and social media. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.

I don’t know much about boxing but how the hell did Logan Paul go the distance with Mayweather? At least with pro wrestling most of the audience knows it’s fake going in so they try to put on an entertaining show.

If that style of game intrigues you I’d suggest trying Until Dawn. It’s basically a really solid interactive goofy horror movie. Plus no David Cage involvement. Added bonus it has Rami Malek before he blew up.

I’ve only played Heavy Rain and that was enough for me to realize David Cage was a creep and not to bother with anything else he made in the future.

Seems a bit steep for not having Growl.

Disney is fine with LGBTQ+ characters as long as they can easily be edited out for international release.

Sure laugh it up but you aren’t having to duck the mob because you went to a loan shark to buy a now worthless NFT of Dilbert doing Goatse. 

How many Beri is $600,000. 

I wish I could feel passionate enough about something that I would be willing to send people death threats. 

The Favourite was amazing I hope she got paid well for Black Widow. Not going to watch that clip but all Marvel spoilers seem to boil down to some comic book character shows up or that character you thought was dead/alive/good/evil is the opposite of that.

Intellivision? Good for them! I just assumed it was going to either be probably a scam like the new Atari thing or an outright scam like the Coleco Chameleon.

Can’t wait to see Liz Phair in November, fingers crossed, been a fan for most my life. I’m also seeing Garbage and Alanis Morisette too but I am most excited for Liz.

Not good and racist as fuck but going by Twitter I thought it was an actual KKK beauty pageant. 

This game set in a fictionalized version of Cuba is in no way political - Ubisoft