
A “B+” for The Simpsons is like a “D+” for a good show. 

Maybe just cancel the Oscars and every award show ever. Not for any controversy just because they all suck.

People who know a lot about the age of consent in different States and countries should be put on a list.  

Just that image of Sanji in the thumbnail is enough for me to say no way.  

I’m a huge hypocrite because my apartment has walls.  Guess I am on board with putting children in cages now. 

John C. Reilly is an amazing dramatic actor the dude is incredible in Boogie Nights and Chicago but is great at comedy too. Walk Hard might have bombed hard but it was a perfect parody of Rey and Walk the Line.

I remember Lauren Lapkus took a hiatus from the podcast she was doing at the time to film this and that was like three or four years ago. When it didn’t come out after a year or two from that hiatus I knew for sure it was going to suck.

My favorite Smash rule is just have fun and don’t take shit too seriously because this is a game where Wario can fart on the Wii Fitness lady.

Little girl: I like the pink one.

I should give Runaways a second chance I gave up after the second episode because of the glacial pace it seemed to be moving compared to the comic. 

I remember really loving The Fisher King growing up then trying to go back to it after Robin passed. Couldn’t get through it without risk of my eyes permanently rolling to back of my skull. Had to put on World’s Greatest Dad to cleanse my soul, which is still one of my favorite Robin Williams movies.

Some of my favorite bad movies to hate watch are misbegotten Oscar bait. I wonder if Welcome to Marwen will get a few token nominations like the fucking awful Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close or pull off a Crash and actually win some awards.  

The rich aren’t going to be happy until they can legally hunt us for sport.

If I’m putting Steve Coogan and John C Reilly in a movie together you better damn well believe it’s an Alan Partridge meets Dr. Steve Brule crossover. 

Is it true Ninja wears a specially made gaming diaper when he streams?  That’s just what I heard bro. 

Who won best song about having a homosexual relationship with your father?

Boy! they’re really socking it to that Donald Trump guy he must have worked for NBC or something.

He wants to pull what is known as an Adam Sandler.  

He’ll play with a member of the opposite sex if it is for a commercial, they are a little girl, and he doesn’t actually play Fortnite with them.