Ghost of Eazy E

She's a fucking Aussie and thus can stick it up her ass. I hate when any foreigner tries to comment on our system, whether liberal or conservative.

I'd wager he made more money than Baio did

I prefer this one:

Sort of like all The GOPers now embracing Putin and Russia

Not Rolf Bernerske

Change secretary to Senior Class President

It's funny how quickly tough guys like Baio and Woods demand their own safe spaces

The correct answer is:
Baio is an uneducated actor who's lived in a bubble his whole life and thinks his talent, rather than looks and luck, made him wealthy. He also has no understanding of foreign policy or trade policy


We have a state called Maine? I don't think that's true.

One's a talented actor and the other is in Chipmunk films?

Insert Carnak joke here

Motherfuck all the church-going, prosperity gospel believing, asshole who made this piece of shit famous. Not only is he a racial bigot, he is openly anti-woman.


So 70 bucks for a proper controller. Those funky ones look to small for an adult man with normal-sized hands

And how he held the belt respectfully

Especially for Gallows and Anderson who have such storied history.

Reagan and Nixon used "technicalities" as a dog whistle. It's true; you can pretend it's not, but it is true.

Here's where I'm breaking away from the reviewer and others:
Why can't the tag title scene be an old-school "we want the belts" division. Gallows and Anderson have won everywhere and now they want to win in The WWE. Cesaro and Sheamus are prideful men and consummate professionals. That's all the story I need.