Ghost of Eazy E

i hope he gets an nice festering anal fissure

It's likely he did, but I'd never call him a murderer because he was acquitted. He's a horrible vile person, based on the philandering and such, but not a murderer as far as we can prove.

Why does the victims reaction matter at all?


Which also is quite scammy.

Yet the entire American CJ system is built on generalizing.

Good for these guys.

This proves Trump voters weren't hateful bigots.

A mash-up between the music of Yaz and Queen?

It's all about race. Men of color always have been seen in The US as de facto guilty of a crime. Compare the treatment of Nate Parker and Roman Polanski to see that fact

Medicare for all is fine with me

No it doesn't. It highlights the fact that most white people assume anyone accused is guilty.

Murder is a legal term with specific meaning.

I wish they'd kill Medicare and SocSec. Both are horribly regressive as they tax poorer young people to pay older wealthier people (median wealth for people over 65 is around 10x that of people under 30).

The first Star Wars was a ham-fisted allegory

Calling him a piece of shit, which he most likely is, is different than calling him a murder. One is a moral judgement; one is a legal judgement.

Because a lot of the people around here will make blanket assumptions and call Snuka a murderer (he was a mean asshole from all accounts) but will bend heaven and earth to excuse Polanski and will buy Allen's assertion that he never touched Sun Yi until she was of age. They also assume Nate Parker was guilty, so you

Actually, it does.

No worries

So charged=convited in your world or is it just with men of color.