Ghost of Eazy E

Your attitude is why many men of color are harassed and even killed by the police. You make assumptions when the courts have yet to rule. I bet you think RaMarley Graham and Sean Bell deserved to be killed by cops as well.

He's not guilty until it's proven in a court of law. I know many white people fail to understand this when dealing with men of color, but it's true.

What civil statue convicts one of "murder" again?

I live in Newark and I see more and more of them out this way now. Bad times ahead (we're getting a Whole Foods soon).

Fucking Panda Huggers

A civil judgement is based on what again? Not criminal law and thus he is not a murderer.

Have you any experience to base this on? The DOE has actively lowered standards by pushing Common Core and PARCC. I spend more time teaching how to take a goddamned test that I ever did before.

How was this election proved worthless by "oligarchs?" Provide specific, verifiable proof that Trump didn't win those states and thus The EC. You can't and won't, but you'd rather pretend chicanery happened than admit over half of white America is populated by hate-filled bigots with no understanding of how the world

I like this gimmick

Amen, GLM. Notice how many excuse a convicted dude, Polanski, because they like him better and it's more acceptable.

If they all died, we'd all win

They're still around? I'd rather hear a re-united RATM's angrier and funkier take on the situation.

Jokes, Maude

Yup. I imagine many of them are closer to the Trump voters they claim to despise than they want to admit.

WWF. In 1982 it was not WWE. In fact, it was closer to being The WWWF

When was he found guilty again?

So when a man of color is charged with a crime he must be guilty, right?

When was he found guilty again?

So he's Andy Jackson then

My bad. I'm a little wonky today.