Ghost of Eazy E

People should have to deal with the consequences of their choices. They chose to live in states or not vote in states where The Hard Right controls shit.

No worse than Nixon, Ronnie, or W. Hell, no worse than most pre-FDR Presidents

Good one. The Feds have precious little power over most states in regard to education.

I proposed it before and I believe you opposed it. If I am wrong, sorry.

So, what's your solution then?

And you people are still opposed to literacy tests why? If you did not know that ACA=Obamacare, then you are too stupid to be allowed to vote or even have kids.

NJ gets 5% of its ed budget from The DOE. We an survive

Around half of Americans have below average intellgence

Trump should get those moochers of Medicare and Social Security as well. Most of them will take out much more than they put in

I loved it too, I was just making a joke

There's a reason we have elections. If those people want their states to have better schooling or healthcare, then they should vote for it. I actually hope Trump kills off The DOE because then we'd not have a bunch of non-teachers telling us how to do our jobs

No one ever went broke doing that, my friend.

Fucking Patriots

Hey, lay off public education. NJ's students routinely beat much of Europe in math and science

They aren't even the best Springsteen tribute band. Backstreets blows them away

Meanwhile, John Lewis (a real American Hero) got shit on by Trump and Lewis' economically vibrant district essentially got called the ghetto. No bigotry from The Trump though, right SNL and The Media.

She was servicable.

If he's walking down the street, how would one tell he's Jewish? He's white

Neither was Wayne's World

Is it The Papa John's of Chinese Food?