Ghost of Eazy E

Which of the minstrel show crows is he playing?

Jack Gallagher as well

I await AJ vs Joe. When Cena leaves again, they'll need a reliable face and AJ's moveset makes him the best guy to do it.

Cause he's Kevin Nash with slightly better ring skills

Mojo gets a push while better wrestlers languish. FUck Vince and his hard-on for roided up stiffs

Sasha vs. Sami Zayn
Charlotte vs. Jericho

It's the party line in regard to Raw here

Do we know which old guys are their producers? Based on how Alpha are working, I wonder if Rotunda is producing their matches. They have a distinct Varsity Club style to them

Steph appears to have learned all the wrong lessons from The Death of WCW

a. Carmella's current angle is still better than Enzo and Cass; current angle.
b. Jack Gallagher is the most entertaining man in WWE.
c. Glad Alpha went over again.
d. After the UK tourney, can we get Nigel as GM of Raw? He and Bryan have a storied rivalry and he's better on the mic than Foley.

When did I ever say there aren't people with Down's Syndrome or autism or EBD or specific learning disabilities? I have none of those, yet I freely admit they exist as do bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and so on. Those are diseases and disorders. I have none of them, thus you are factually incorrect.

The attendees better be ready for some yellow discipline, if the reports are true

Revisitng the babies from Raising Arizona?

Duh, stay out of Riverdale

Liberal media

Nope. Too much bread in the pie

Tacconellis in Philly beats every pizza I ever had

Deep dish pizza is not pizza. Stop trying to make it a thing, you flyover country heathens!

It was designed by the same guy who did The Dildo Building in London.

It sounds more like the late night show on an R and B radio station.