Ghost of Eazy E

It's not a disorder.

Greatest celebrity in the world is President? Batman is our President!

Truck nuts?

THey really should update with a Brother Wordprocessor

Pikers try playing the original Axis and Allies or Shogun or Shadowlord

Naked Tomi Lahren mudflaps?

I do for people with actual disorders. This is yet another example, like compulsive gambling or porn abuse or video compulsion, of turning a negative behavior into a disease.

John D Rockefellar
JP Morgan
Andrew Carnegie
George Hearst
Andrew Mellon
Bill Gates

Does that truck piece come with a Confederate flag and/pr a MAGA sticker?

How take:
Kelly Rowland is more interesting, talented, and attractive than Beyonce

As a child, I saw tomatoes, leafy greens, and such as repulsive and refused to eat them. Now, I eat them when I want. No therapy, no behavior mods, no drugs, just choosing to do it.

How many people "cure" their ADHD without prescription drugs vs how many learn to be more open eaters as they age?

I agree that it was a way to make people with autism more marginalized

Also, there is no such thing as Asperger's; it's Autism Spectrum Disorder Level One. I know that will bother people, but it is a type of autism that is easier to treat and thus belongs on the spectrum and not in its own little box.

Can we stop pretending every choice based behavior is a disorder? You can choose to eat more widely, as a ton of commenters highlight below, you cannot choose to not have Downs' Syndrome or ADHD or epilepsy.

Th ones I work with travel a lot, but always in good accommodations. I remember being 25 and sleeping in all manner of places while traveling, including my car.

I was picky as a kid and wouldn't even allow my food to touch. I kept this up until college, where I had to eat what was there or not eat. Going out with people also forced me out of my comfort zone and now I eat tons of different foods. It's a choice.

Here's all you have t say about the storytelling on each show:
Smackdown has managed to create 2 logical and interesting storylines for Carmella, while Raw cannot create one for Cass and Enzo.

I could not agree more on Steph. They need to get her in a feud with Sasha and have Sasha beat her in a "Loser Leaves Raw Match" via the Banks Statement.

Vince obviously wants Cass as a solo act, that's slowly being made to happen.