Ghost of Eazy E

Gummo Marx. It was Gummo Marx

Pssst….The Mariah Carey docuseries is mesmerizing

A-. You needed "Zionism," "chemtrails," and "crisis actor" to get full credit

Well she is likely drunk on Applejack

The first portion (before Nam) is a nice little film

And Arnie was a Kasich man

We all know how Bannon and the alt-right feel about Sophie's Choice

The real issues. My weiner kids are fighting over who gets the last bowl of quinoa pasta beefaroni

Those snowflakes need their safe spaces and to avoid triggers

Don't be distracted by this ruse. He's naming Jared Kushner, his son-in-law, as a senior advisor. No way that doesn't make Ivanka and company more cheddar.

"Trump Porn Weather" is mine

And the easy access to opium

Your state was founded as a white utopia and you're annoyed by a TV show?

I went to Hopkins in The early 1990s and those shows were pretty spot on. It's not like there was some magic wall on Greenmont that kept the junkies and criminals away

Casual Racism?

Magnum PI
Hawaii 5-0 Lord Edition
Hawaii 5-0 Grace Park Edition

I am. They drink a lot of coffee on that show and The LDS frowns on such things

Isn't Portland off-brand Seattle?

First, you guys voted for Trump, then you couldn't beat Pedo State and now this. Be careful or you'll be demoted to Indiana status

Bergen County in NJ has a higher population than several of those loser states