Ghost of Eazy E

They are now searching for a Mr. Fuller-House.

Shitty cheese. NY has better cheddar by far

Sorry that we inflicted him on society

I like to imagine they've taken on the styles of the show and Helena is an ersatz Birmingham

How does one drive that little in a non-urban area? When I live in rural NJ, we drove at least 20 miles a day

Narcos is a fictionalized account of The Colombian Drug Wars. It's excellent

Did I do that?

Their football team's color scheme did that years ago

Cheesy as Hell. Look at NJ, we're not herbs enough to make Sopranos our top one and PA is too cool to make it Boy Meets World

So 3 people in Montana love Peeky Blinders?

Good for us, NJ, we picked Narcos. Finally, living in a state rife with gangs and mobsters pays off.

I find that they are generally earnest people, but their tech has allowed them to be less well-rounded as a group. They know a lot about what they love and immerse themselves in, but they have no idea abut general culture.

The booboisie proved him right yet again

Dennis Quaid is a Boomer (1954).

Trump will win again because, as a clever man said, no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of The American People

Watched Ghostbusters 1 and 2 with my daughter, She liked 1, but loved 2.

Boba Fett was a send-in figure at first and then he was delayed due to the rocket firing being a danger, so he looked cool and you had to ait forever to get him.

I thought Rogue One did a good job with Saw showing that embracing aggression and violence as the sole means to an end is The Dark Side no matter what goal is being served

If that's a bad thing, then sure.

Steve Bannon and Milo Youananananhhpolis prefer to watch it while it rewinds so that it has a happier ending