Ghost of Eazy E

When did I say they were man-gods? I want them to have the same sort of free healthcare the did when my grandfather could walk into any military hospital and get good care. Your buddy Ronnie helped kill that off.

a. They can make a ton of money with speaking fees and such, so why should we pay for anything?
b. They are private citizens and what other private citizens get the perks they do?
c. These sorts of perks turn them into aristocrats. If GW did fine with no Secret Service after he left then Bush, Clinton, and the rest can

Nope.They have the option of getting it, you ignorant fuck. Nixon refused it at one point.

Or she might have been crying those white women tears to get some sympathy.

I'm still pissed that I have to pay taxes, but they get to slide on not only their current taxes, but also on the billion they owed in back taxes.

They have a massive bias and have been know for outright lying about many things, engaging is blackmail, and harassing/targeting journalists who investigate them. Ergo, they are profoundly unreliable

How is using a rescue inhaler dependency? Please explain how my maybe 3x a year use is the same as a heroin addict.

It doesn't need to be celebratory

You mean we won't see a "Sand Pebbles" re-make?

No, that was one of those NRA Conventions

Nope. Impersonations make for shitty films

Then he's never seen a Imax film has he?

Oh, nevermind then.

As opposed to the 1950s and 1960s when they released such jems as "The Greatest Show on Earth," "The Robe," and so on

Full Metal Jacket is better Kubrick than 2001.

GWTW was a blockbuster before any of those.

So he paid for The Secret Service Agents and such as well?

Why pay for either?

There was a Mallrats 2?

Paid for by us. We need to drastically curtail this sort of shit and turn The President back to The First Citiizen not a de facto king