Ghost of Eazy E

58% of white people voted for Trump

Yeah it was. He made people march from fucking Georgia to Oklahoma. That's a death march, plus he ignored a SCOTUS decision to do it

I'm not a major fan of Rush, but they are great musicians and seem like really good guys. Plus, fuck Gene Simmons for being a humorless ass.


You do drive like this
While I drive like this

If no white people voted at all, then no Trump victory. If no PoCs voted at all, then massive Trump victory.

Oh look it's Trump's asshole buddy hosting

Fuck you for blowing off my MLS Cup Party

And made it virtually tasteless as well.

No, he's perfect as one of those hafl-way cook it yourself deals like Blue Apron

Now that you mention it, I have a script about a n escaped slave, a Cherokee, a Seminole, Nicolas Biddle, and John Marshall taking him out after timetravelling

Bobby Digital will be pissed about this rip-off

It's not a tragedy by the way. It's a massacre that could have easily be prevented by simple, commonsense laws.

Would you settle for an Exploding Ring Death Match?

No, my point was why can people have guns in their luggage period. If he had not been allowed to have a gun in his luggage, then this would have never happened

He turned heel after he hit Rihanna with that steel chair and spray painted "NWO" on her.

Andrew Jackson committed genocide.
We had slavery and Jim Crow as well.

Huh? She lost due to a combination of bigotry, fear, and general ignorance about economics and history.

Maybe he's worked his way up to Big Daddy Kane by now