Ghost of Eazy E

I wasn't going to drink it though. They could easily police that sort of thing.

Then why could they scan my kid's bottle for explosives but not other liquids? Seems to be pretty half-assed set of policies.

It's said "WOOOOORLDSTAR!" whilst waving one's hands wildly and mugging for the cameraphone


Why can you even have a gun cross state lines or in the airport period?

Midwestern and Southern generic white asses ruin good ethnic European food yet again

Soulja like soldier of soul

Soulja Boy made his name through Youtube a while ago and he sucks like a two dollar whore

So I can't bring a goddamned bottle of gin in my carryon, but this asshole in Florida gets a gun in his checked bag? Fucking bullshit, America

Why isn't this tagged "Shitty Job, White People?" It is their fault we're in this mess. If only PoCs voted he'd have been rightly landslided

This is clearly a "Shitty Job White People" post

See the headline had his name in it and you could easily avoid this one. Other times, you have point, but not this one.

Too American. It'll be Russian Mail Order Bride Monthly

It was still The WWF most of the times DJT appeared

The US essentially did this with The Quota Acts in The 1920s, so why not use our own history

Can we start comparing Trump to Jackson instead of Hitler? I know it makes it less comfortable because Jackson's work directly benefitted many white people, but it's much more accurate.
a. Swept in by a tide of "real Americans" who supported white nationalism
b. Showed no respect for The Constitution or the rule

Jackson. Andy Jackson is the better comparison. I guess these hipsters slept during US I

You can be a minority and buy into white supremacy you know, There always have been Toms

Nope. What got Trump elected is a combination of nativism, wring-headed protectionism, white nationalism, religious fundamentalism, fear of change, and general ignorance of how the world works (i.i. thinking that high tariffs will bring back factory jobs that pay umc wages).

Fair point on jail.