Ghost of Eazy E

Nope. You want a SJ who has charisma and can motivate people toward healthier lifestyles. That is really their sole purpose.

Wrong, assface

Rotted in jail?

Mike could'e saved himself time by starting the piece out with "white people like me."

Why do white people have to fuck shit up like this? Italian-Americans and Greek-Americans make some damn fine pizzas, then herbs come along and ruin the form

Other than Biden, is everyone Obama appointed a dull and fundamentally uninteresting person?

I used to go to AC on Xmas Eve and watch people play Pai Gow for hours.

Fallout 4 was the most disappointing game I have ever played. It took 75% of the fun stuff from the series and replaced it with crafting.


I'd say that the idea of a WWF invasion followed by Hogan going heel drew more than Nash did and his time as WWF champ was known for shitty crowds and ratings

More Masters of Horror as well. His entry was good

Something something Paparazzi Championship Series

What is rhomboid?

ANdy Serkis could be re-cast. I found him lacking as Klaw

Where else would there be a Duluth?

You mean the guy who was Oz, Deisel, and Vinny Vegas is now considered a legend. Arn Anderson is rolling over in his bed

Rick was always the better Steiner

It'll play well Down Under, you know in Oz

He will re-write the script so that he entire film revolves around him.

I imagine it will be like Last King of Scotland