Ghost of Eazy E

In my defense, I was in The Cone of Silence

It was pure genius. An absurdist sitcom

One was a doc, not a "prestige drama."

Patriot Act
War in Iraq
1994 Crime Bill
Welfare "reform"

Did he possess the power to veto them? Yes or no?

Sort of like The Clintonites do with Bill and HRC, huh?

They ran as "two for the price of one." Bill's words, not mine and she campaigned as someone with unique experiences that made her suited to be President.

She was great on Green Acres

She had a sense of humor, on the game and talk shows, that these modern reality types lack.

I disagree. He floundered when he needed to be dramatic and I though he was laughably bad.

That show was a "prestige drama?" It featured Swimmer and Cuba Gooding Junior "acting."

Because people are now acting as if she'd have been some sort of liberal President and feeling sad that we missed that. They're acting like she was a good person who was wronged rather than a vile bigot who furthered policies which criminalized blackness, killed thousands of innocents in Iraq, and made it easier for

Yeah, I remember when W or Obama sent the military after protesters….oh wait that was George Washington

And Nixon expanded Medicare and signed environmental regs.

The ones who got hooked-up with Scientology-based programs?

Dick Nixon pushed harder and got single-payer farther


In my opinion:
Rand Paul
Christie (he's really not that bad on policy)
the rest

Like in The General Election in Utah. If they went for McMullin, he'd have won and Trump would have lost 6 EVs