Ghost of Eazy E

AN Austrian having no problem with fascism is news how?

Yet taxes on high earners are not onerous to the average person and having better schools not only creates higher property values, it creates growth. Compare the price of a home in Bergen County, NJ with one in WVa.

Let TRump push for equal time laws and watch right wing talk radio disappear.

A right-of-center paranoid who makes Dick Nixon look personable is not a legitimate candidate.

They never were of the left, so ho cold the left exile them?

There'sa magic little button called "Block." Use it on the ones who are just shitheads

If it were just Mitt, I;d say he's a fundamentally decent man who loves his country. Ryan's a sneaky little shit who is so stupid that he loves RATM.

On digital broadcast via Antenna 3 or 4 nights a week. It' still very good

He was one of my first role models as Det. Harris, smart, clever and took no shit

Wizards have to sleep, right? Why not murder them in their sleep?


Brat Wyatt let himself go

Zapped with WillieAAmes
Stoned were his pot addiction causes him to almost kil his borthr

Did that platoon include stereotypes from around the country?

Enlist t fight whom exactly? A shadowy cabal that needed to be eliminated via special operations and such against which conventional troops and weapons would be useless? Not many spec ops jobs open

So long as it;s for his work in Zapped and Stoned

Dove on grenades

And all four of his non-Maples spawn

You know who won't be getting this award for at least four years:
Steve Wynn

Next year's honorees:
Steve Bannon
Andrew Breitbart
Bernie Kerik
Milo whatsisopolis
Ben Roethlisberger
Bill Belichek