Ghost of Eazy E

Why do I have to meet them halfway? Why do we have to try and understand them? Why is the onus on us and never them?

So, having one black friend makes someone not a bigot

You never said outside Russia's border.

Those were never Russia's borders then

Seth MacFarlane. Just say his name and then it has no power

What the fuck does this even mean?

You know it got bad when Kristol and Company said it defamed the name of Andrew Breitbart

Go back to reading RT

That's exactly how we overturned Jim Crow and slavery, right?

Cause that's the exact same thing as Bannon promoting the idea that my kids are an abomination and that I am naturally inferior

They are though. People could have voted for McMullin or Johnson, yet they chose the guy who chose a man who hates LGBTQ people a Veep, is advised by a white nationalist, and threatened to ban all Muslims via a religious test

Why should we treat them like adults when they gulp oxy like there's no tomorrow, drink shitty beer, like Jeff Dunham, and so on

They'll kill medicaid cause it's for poor peoplr

Why? Let them bear the fruits of their votes. We know mostly old white people vote GOP, so fuckem

I imagine he's quoted Tanner a number of times

No one's sure where it came from, but it mean whitey

So, no source?

First Trump, now this? Way to let society down, Mils.