Ghost of Eazy E

Fuck you. We teach analysis and critical thinking in History. Assholes like you constantly blame the schools for everything.

I never said make him DNC Chair, did I? I said Ellison in 2020 as in for Prez

See, as a black person I am used to that, but you all act like she's not a bigoted ass.

Look, I do my best, but asking me to call all you all racists forty times a day's not possible. How about I just call the bigots bigots?


So, it's like its always been then?

Where specifically has NATO expanded into Russia.

Yet it shall never top ofay or honkey

She and Bill made my 20s miserable with their "crime bill," plus her campaign told Obama to wait his turn.

Kenyan Muslim Socialist was inaccurate? Those Obama Joker signs were mean-spirited?

Hey, don't slander good, honest, decent juicehounds like that

Well, when the President consults a guy who actively promoted Steve Sailer, it's hard to be anything but a critic.

Yet you attacked us centrists along with the wackadooes. The only moron I know who voted for him was a woman I teach with who has a cop husband and wears a "Blue Lives Matter" shirt at times.

Look, they're just looking for safe spaces and to avoid trigger words


I say we use their own words and call them white nationalists

Like John McCain and Mitt Romney did with The Birthers. That's what reasonable adults do.

Oh, and fuck off, cause I don't know a centrist who voted for this asshole

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos.

I'm a pragmatic centrists and Trump sickens me because he employs Bannon, selected Pence who demands funerals for miscarriages, wants to give more countries nukes, supports moronic tariffs, and favors an end to NATO