Ghost of Eazy E

I love how Conway and Preibus managed to defend Bannon without ever saying he didn't publish bigoted shit

See there are a bunch of white guys who have this weird fixation with black men's sex lives. These white men call themselves white nationalists or human biodiversity experts.

God I hope that humunculous dies a horrible and painful death. His site promotes that fucktard Steve Sailer and those fascists at VDARE and American Renaissance.

Vaping for pot smoking right? Are all these competitions in legal pot states?


What are you talking about?

And? People may still not want to day

Keith Ellison 2020

Bannon, his chief council, has ties to white nationalism and eugenics people.

He was working on his Stalin vs. Hitler bit when I saw him and it was amazing to actually see him working it out on stage and playing off our reaction.

Never? We need to blame them for shit they do like Steve Bannon who I'd love to beat with a tack hammer

Braun is already better than Reigns as a monster character. They need a program and Braun needs to win. Then, they can feed him to Cena like they always do

Logan's Run


I love Burr and saw him live several times


Maybe the whole thing a character like Tony Clifton or maybe he's just that asshole friend we all have

Thanks. One more query: Is the commute from Rainier Beach or Tukwila to there doable? It looks okay on the map, but is the traffic crazy?

She was in some movie with sorority girls they love

How's Tacoma? We may be relocating out there.