Ghost of Eazy E

Rumer's dad was in movies?

But much more talented. The Gallaghers wish they could write a thing a hundredeth as good as Arthur

I'd wager that there's a lot of overlap between Limp Bizkit fans and Trump voters

I'd say Bob Dylan;s "Subterranean Homesick Blues" beat that one

Maybe Permanent Vacation, but the rest was utter and complete shit

What is girl don't go away mad?

I wanna hear Caravan with a drum solo

Catheters in The Attic?


Nah, that could've been a one shot deal still.

35 years too late

So, when The KKK was burning down houses and lynching people we should have tried to understand them?

And he's not very funny. Bill Burr is a better version of a similar act.

I thought the TRumpinistas couldn't get offended because they were so tough and manly and loved to hear it like it is?

Damn. This sucks. She was excellent as a host and interviewer. Shame to lose one of the good ones.

It's kind of hard to find solace in your family when The President-Elect appoints a guy as council who runs a site that says your kids are abominations and that you are subhuman

Never saw him in Paterson or Camden, did you?

I choose The President based on Foreign Policy and I had doubts about Bubba and Gore

Yup. If he wanted me to give him time, then Bannon should be out

Then stop asking me to feel sorry for her plight. She had a chance to give Trump a big middle finger and make a point this spring and she refused as did Che, Jones, and Keenan. They're all punks.