Ghost of Eazy E

And her stratgey was how effective again?

And I wouldn't vote for either for President as well. Keep on bigoting

The status quo is fine. Our GDP is good. We have decent growth. Our colleges and universities are the best in the world. More people have access to health care. The black middle class tripled. Only unskilled and mediocre whites are doing worse as far as I can tell from the stats. Poor people of color are still poor

Sorry. Read that as countless. You're right of course

No proof. Trump may have activated voters who sat home last time. We have no idea how individual people voted this cycle or last cycle.

If they instituted state income taxes or raised property taxes in those states, then they would. As it is, they are so obsessed with low or no taxes for all that they short shrift education and thus get what they deserve

Fuck those loafers then. There are jobs at Target and the mall. Let them work.

She and Bill made my life much tougher in The 1990s and assholes like you who apologize for her are almost as bad. Try getting stopped, fro reason, 3 rimes form Baltimore to Philly cause you might be a superpredator. So fuck off asshole

Same reason people risked their jobs with table grape strikes and such

a. Pence wasn't VP nominee when Trump hosted.
b. She did nothing of the sort when Trump hosetd.

Not as far as we know. Israel has them and possibly Iran soon. No one else there.

No, they don't. She's from Chicago

They choose to pay teachers less in those states and thus get lower quality teachers. Look at rich states like NJ and CT where they have excellent schools and pay teachers well.

I'd rather not vote for either bigot

I was a 20 year old black man then and I didn't appreciate being stopped for DWB numerous times a month

That wasn't a shot at them, that was a shot at the increasing number of rural white people who get a doctor to co-sign on a disability claim rather than get a job.

Guess McKinnon has no scruples than, just like Keenan and Che and the rest who worked with that bigot. If a good chunk of them refused to go on air, then what would have happened?

Given HBO and Netflix and such, very good

I'd make them crack open a book and learn before I'd let them vote again

No real proof. Exit polls are self-reported and they don't even bother to try and correlate the voting data, so they are full of shit. If they only selected people to poll who had demonstrably voted in 2012 and 2016, then they'd be a bit more accurate, but so long as they are self-reported, they are shit