Ghost of Eazy E

I'd say fuck the morons who voted for a man who wants nuclear proliferation.

She was Bob Dole and lost for the same reasons. Putting your time in gets you promoted in 1960s America, it shouldnt get you nominated for President

Robots would man those plants.

And then she could have filed a hostile workplace law suit and dragged NBC through the mud in the press.

She trafficked in dog whistles and lots of PoC stayed home. Seemed karmic to me

g. Western is better than Country

f. It's a douche, not a douche bag.

Outside shot and he would be magnficent:
Ras Baraka Mayor of Newark. He's rebuilding in a smart way and could go toe to toe with faux tough Trump

Why can't you? No one's tried it in a long time. Tell the truth.

Cause she doesn't want to work with someone who questions her right to exist?

Not giving the funders of AQ access to nukes

My choice for next cycle or maybe one of the younger Latinx from Cali or Texas

and young white people and single women. None of whom were energized by Tim Kaine

She could have refused to go on like people did when Dice Clay hosted it

It would be an NJ Republican and he/she would have to tack center is he/she had any hope of retaining the seat

Nope. She lost because of lower base turnout

And that person would lose in two years.

Bernie was a loser as well. They party needed to reach out to younger vibrant Senators and Congresspeople rather than settle for two old tired white people.

So then what should his opponent learn from this? I say we should learn that no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of The American People.

So, when she trotted out that superpredator line she was telling the truth?