Ghost of Eazy E

So tell me again how he is remotely qualified to be President? Any person of conscience cannot have voted for him.

What's safer than picking a charismatic younger man of color to get the vote out She went with Kaine because she was afraid of being overshadowed

Yet no President has sought to give the nukes have they? In fact, what President from either party has favored nuclear proliferation?

And Trump is the most ignorant, in the traditional sense, President Elect ever. What kind of adult doesn't know what The Nuclear Triad is or that The Saudis fund Wahabi madrassas and thus should have access to nukes.

Well, I'm a pragmatic moderate and I learned 59 million people were dumb enough to vote for a guy who wants to end NATO and give The Saudis nukes.

Not moving at all. A better candidate would have beaten Trump handily. Hell, if she picked a dynamic person as Veep, she may have won (Corey Booker or Jaoquin Castro perhaps). I shed no tears for the woman who was so shady and paranoid.

How'd that work out for The Obamas in term 2?

The other side went to hate and I shall not unilaterally disarm

I'd say it proves he has no idea what he's talking about as that sovereign land has existed for a while and he ought to have been prepared to deal with them. I mean he's the bets negotiator ever, so why could he not make that deal.

Maybe all those years of listening to RATM will finally break his whitey wall down

I prefer to see it as Native Americans striking back at Trump for his horribly bigoted attempts to fight their casinos a few decades ago.

I'd suggest we all start refusing to buy things from red counties/towns as well. I know I shall be avoiding the malls in Paramus because it went red. I'll be sending a letter to the management of each mall as well as to The Mayor

Totally agree

The Beer Summit is where he lost me

Yet he still employs Steve Bannon…

He's much more Pol Pot than Hitler in that he weaponized anti-intellectuals for the purposes of chaos with no specific larger goals.

He's going to name Bannon or Kushner CoS. Both are alt-right bigots

She plays a minstrel show character on TV, but those who point this out are somehow the bad guys to whiter than white Perkins

a. So everyone who opposed Trump is a liberal? I'll tell Bill Kristol and Jonah Goldberg that. Plus, I've voted GOP more than Dem in my life.
b. A guy with Steve Bannon as his closest adviser should turn everyone's stomach.