Ghost of Eazy E

and this sounds good?


The purpose of a business is to provide a product or a service and turn a product.

Thanks. They're fine just shocked

Yes and that's why I didn't vote for her.

Really? Seems like 59 million people think conversion therapy is peachy keen

I'm tired of this, "Give him time," bullshit. Did they give Obama time? I'd like to see all The Ds refuse to attend the inauguration.

So, people who think I am intellectually inferior and subhuman are going to listen to me why again

Well, when the CEO of a campaign has run one of the most vile sites on-line that normalized all manner of hate and The Veep-Elect despises LGBTQ peopleā€¦

Then you're suicidal. We must fight evil at every turn

If he is a member of the movement and believes the movement is good, then the intellectual behind the movement are necessarily good

You said that. You said that I have to understand them, did you not?

No, if you know they are white nationalists and KKK members who advocate the violent overthrow of The US, then it is okay

In Kim S's world we should have tried to understand The Nazis, Stalin, Imperial Japan, Bull Conner, The KKK, and so on.

So responding to fire with fire makes the initial victims the bad guys

Yup. Kim S thinks that I need to understand the reasons that white nationalists hate me

So, hating Nazis or Pol Pot or Stalin is bad?

So, I;m supposed to understand that they see me as less than human and think my kids are abominations? Gotcha.

Like hating LGBTQ people and calling black people subhuman?

Nope. Violence is okay when fighting people who believe that they have the right to legally dehumanize others based on their race, color, creed, gender, or sexual orientation