Ghost of Eazy E

He said they were intellectuals behind the movement

You never answered, why is it my duty to meet people halfway and where is the halfway with someone who thinks I have no right to exist do to my race?

The Trumpinistas.

Hate based on things one cannot control like race, sex, or orientation=bad

No, I'm telling them to stop being bigots. I've voted for HW Bush, Clinton, W, Kerry, and Obama. I'm a pragmatic centrist. I do have a problem with white nationalists, people who hate LGBTQ people, and Neo-Confederates

When have they been systematically oppressed and dehumanized by the USG and all the major institutions of The US?

No, because when faced with people who believe you have no right to exist, you must fight fire with fire.

Where is this mythical halfway point with someone who thinks I'm subhuman?

That's not what these nimrods mean and you know it

Well, when you campaign CEO and potential Chief of Staff runs with Stormfornt and VDARE and American Renaissance, you can expect people to react with violence.

Why should I mend fences with people who voted for a man who appointed a known bigot who supports white nationalism to run his campaign?

Voters who supported a man who openly hates LGBTQ people and capaign ran by Steve Bannon who supports such paragons of racism as Steve Sailer and VDare

Just do The Dresden Files

You do realize that all bigots are slathering at the mouth like David Duke? You can even be a bigot and have "a back friend." They voted for a ticket that features a man who hates LGBTQ people and a man who has a white nationalist as a close advisor

But Congress has to sign on, which means a lot

The drug patent system is meant to reward companies which invest in R&D and not allow others to mooch off their work.

We know there are at least 59 million bad people out there.

Regardless of who people vote for, can we kill the idea that The President has any real impact on the economy. Other than maybe futzing with trade deals, he literally can do nothing to impact it.