Ghost of Eazy E

I don;t believe you. If people are blinded enough to vote for a guy who wants The Saudis to have nukes, employs outright bigots, refuses to serve in Viet Nam and calls war heroes losers, then I fear for this country.

The Founders worried about The Tyranny of The Masses so they set the system up to filter such things out. Then, the asshole Progressive came along and mucked it up with direct election of Senators and primaries

Sears Catalog models?

Filtration is the by word

They moved away a bit, to cover Trump's ass probably, but as late as a year or so ago they were running that shit.

David Robinson as Sec Def is a no brainer

He doesn't think The Saudis need nukes

They are awful because they voted for a man who has Steve Bannon as a possible Chief of Staff

If they were voting economy, then why not vote for Kasich or Rubio?

So, the future Chief of Staff of The President ran a website that says my children are an abomination and I should be fine with that? The Veep thinks my sister needs to be "cured." The President-Elect thinks all black people live in Boyz in da hood and I'm supposed to be okay with this?

Name comment synergy is priceless, SWD

Trump's major domo is Steve Bannon who ran Breitbart. Breitbart often featured articles about how inter-racial marriage was vile and anti-white. Tell me again how there's no bigotry there.

They sell them at goddamned Wal Mart

I have a buddy who's an FBI agent and he says that civilians should only be allowed to buy shotguns for home defenses because we're too shaky to aim a pistol at someone

I looked about a decade ago and it's not too hard if you have the right job. As a teacher and a VP of PR, we'd have to get in by a Canadian corp hiring my wife cause they'd never let me in

But it is good overall for that country because it allows for the death of inefficient industries and the birth of new ones.

Yeag, I flubbed that.

Pop is my second favorite white man (Dusty Rhodes will always be #1).

Turn to The NBA. Both Stan Van Gundy and Gregg Popvich have torn into Trumpism and The Trumpinstas.