Ghost of Eazy E

The 2.5 year old had no idea what happened and I'm waiting on the seven year old to turn into Michael from Good Times

Thanks. I really worry about the LGBTQ kids in schools. I am scared for them

Lots of side eyes


Thanks. It is what it is. We gotta stick together and tough it out.

I wasn't there. I was coaching soccer. She was so dumbfounded that she had no idea how to respond

A guy at the supermarket told my wife to take her n##lets and go back to Africa. She's German-Scottish and paler than the good napkins

Adding Rudy is the cherry on top

Free trade is good for The US. It needs to be said over and over because morons love protectionism.

Mad About Shoe

Let's stop shitting on The Empire. They never said The Hutts need Death Stars of their own to secure the galaxy

I'm a pragmatic moderate who is saddened that there 59 million people who think NATO is bad and The Saudis need nukes.

Two words:Newt Gingrich

Cause they are morons who refuse to live in the adult world

I love you to fucking death, but don't compare Orange Pol Pot to Andy. Andy was a genius and OPP is not

It must be so hard to be a white, hetero, CIS man in Ameria

Yet The Good Guys Won and fuck Andy Johnson for cocking it all up

Yet they will dismiss the real oppression that LGBTQ people and PoCs actually face

Here's my test
Ask Trump's voter to explain The 9th and 10th Amendments. Bet they cannot

I wonder how many are too stupid to realize that The Saudis should not have nukes, not should our CiC denigrate NATO