Ghost of Eazy E

But white blue collar people "feel" scared.

Like The tea Party protesed Obama?

They "feel" desperate, Meanwhile, my ass had a cop pull a gun on me at a traffic stop where I got no ticket, in front of m 7 year-old and 2 year-old

I have two degrees from The Hop

I agree cause they don;t index for cost of living, so we get fuked

They voted for a man who wants The Wahabi Saudis to have nukes and want s to kill NATO. Morons

TRump's future Secretary of Education

I say we need to replace "Taking a dump" with "Taking a Trump."

Wait, if they don't pay taxes why are hey bitching? We paid over 30k in Fed taxes last year and I ain't throwing a hissy fit.

Don't need a car for a while and most of my produce comes from in-state or Mexico/Chile.

So you can discriminate then, can you not?

I'd argue that people ought to refuse to pay their taxes or even file them this year. Most blue states get shitty funding from the Feds anyway (NJ gets 62 cents on the dollar taxes paid) so we wouldn;t be risking anything. If only 500k people did this, it'd paralyze The IRS and cut Trump's funding massively. there

Who has the money?

Hobby Lobby can have scruples and act upon them, yet Grub Hub cannot?

Who are those guys?

Butch and Sundance or Three Days of The Condor

Are you crazy? The fall will probably kill you.

I could do the not wishing ill; I could never respect a word from that person's mouth again cause they voted for a guy who thinks The Saudis need nukes, we should use nukes more often, and NATO is bad.

I saw Gore and Bush as essentially the same guy, down to being loafers in school and thus voted for W out of loyalty to his dad.

GTA: San Andres