Ghost of Eazy E

I go for Foreign Policy and Trade mostly cause I know most of the other stuff (save SCOTUS noms) The President really cannot get done on his own.

A grinder? You from Utica and Ithaca?

Hell, I've voted all kinds of ways
1992—HW Bush
1996—Blank Space
2016—Blank Space

Hoagie sandwich? Are you sure you're from Philly?

War of Christmas!
Oppressed Christians!

Yeah, they get real pissed when I say, "You'e a bigot if you voted for Trump because he wants a religious test and Pence wants to "cure" LG people." I'm just telling it like it is.

But they did act in a way that will infringe the rights of others by voting for Trump-Pence.

I don't know about that. I have no family who voted for him, but if I was an LGBTQ person and a relative voted for him and Pence, I'd cut them the fuck off.

This is why we need to fight them. We being lefties, moderates, and conservatives. The Trumpinstas are authoritarians with no real philosophy beyond destroy all who oppose. I never thought I'd say this, but Ben Sasse and Liz Warren need to meet over lunch with McCain and plan to roadblock Trump

Never seen winners as graceless as The Trumpinistas

How so? He didn't say, "If you support Trump you're fired."

The day an authoritarian like Trump won, the rule of law died. Now, it's time to take off the gloves and put him and his follower on the ash heap of history

We will be soon now that we have a guy who thinks everyone having nukes is a swell idea

It's designed to piss off Trump is so very proud of being straight edge. He won't be able to keep himself form fighting with us

So great in Magnificent Seven. He lived in that role

Let them stop first. To quote their boy, I will not unilaterally disarm

Yet blue collar white folks never say that about black or Latino kids, do they

Sort like when they say black people should get off the government' teat, pull their pants up , and get jobs?

Harry Dresden is that you?

Last 5-8 years