Ghost of Eazy E

But people like Tyson and Nye act as if science is the end all be all in education and they are abetted by business which wants us to train their employees for them

They chose to do poorly in school, unless they have a learning difference

I'm tired of being blamed for not turning every kid into Gore Vidal or Bill Buckley. That's not my job.

Third Lesson: Why nuclear proliferation is a very bad thing
Fourth lesson: Women are not bowling balls

The test for math and science at earlier grades now. All our 8th graders must have Algebra I now, so they get a double math block

When Discord's dumber, angrier brother takes over, that's what you get

You don't work in education do you. WE are constantly losing funds and even courses so STEM can get a robotics lab or some other nonsense.

That'll come after he de-wussifies The NFL and imprisons Kaep

You can go through 8th Grade in NJ (a system that often bests Euros in testing) and never get past 1865 or have any world history past the Renaissance

Pushing math and science over civic and history in K-12 is the problem. It crowds out basic knowledge of our system and history. Of course college grads often get that cause most colleges have distribution requirements. At Hopkins we needs 21 credit outside the area (H,S,Q,E,SS). History could be either H or SS.

One of The Abbott Districts in NJ which are the 31 poorest schools in a state of over 200 districts

Since JFK, NASA and the science nerds as well as businesses have worked to minimize history and civics, while putting more focus on math and science. My kid didn't learn about the election in school, yet she has "engineering" three times a week.

The system did not fail them; their parents failed them. I went to allegedly bad public schools, yet I often had excellent teachers. My folks made sure I had books and went to museums and watched PBS. The foundation is set well before Kindergarten.

But if we get more bodies in there period, we can offset the other counties that are losing populatiom

People like him who push math and science over civics and history are why we are here now.

But equal protection isn't how it is. Those Trumpers chose race over class when they chose a man who advocates a religious test and thinks all black people live in Boyz in da Hood

White people can opt out of some whiteness.

It certainly did because it reinforced the cons view that all media was against them

Which means they're bigots.

If I was forced to vote, I'd vote for McMullin probably. I like my President to be a national security head cause that's his job and all that