Ghost of Eazy E

The Trump voters aren't nuts and do care. Their bigots who care only for themselves. They're also dumb enough to vote for a guy who wants to give The Saudis nukes, hates fNATO, and wants to use nukes more often

Trump voters put in with a guy who called for a literal religious test and a VP who thins LG people can be "cured", they're bigots

Why are they scared? They are still the top dog in the pile. They aren't having cops pull guns on them at a "routine traffic stop" where I got no ticket n had two kids under 7 in the car with me. The feel scared for no reason I am scared for a real reason.

1. You weren't born white, you choose to be white. You can reject it and be Irish-American or whatever. Whiteness is a power construct, not an ethnicity.
2. I work just as hard, yet I am demonized more than you. How often do you see anything positive about teachers despite the fact that my school often beats Euro

Has your truckdriver uncle been stopped and frisked over 100 times? Has he had people cross the street out of fear? Has he been followed in stores? Has he had people accuse him of kidnapping his lighter skinned kids? Has he been denied apartments due to his race? Has he been called well-spoken and one of the good

So it's black people's fault that white people hate black people? Sure thing.

I want them to pay less taxes because they actually create jobs. I want people like Trump, Buffet, Jay Z, and so on to pay a lot more

But, you don't know that those same people actually voted for Barry last time. They might be lying to seem less bigoted, might they not. I have never been exit polled in 24 years despite living in three major cities.

I love how raising kids who aren't in jail proved he wasn't all bad

He'd have been better for us than FDR

That's why people need to get their asses out next year and get some Ds in those state seats

I disagree with the exit polls. Why should we trust any poll for the organizations who got it so wrong. Unless they sat down wit the actual lists of who voted, they really have no idea if the same voters came out or not.

Nope. Those white loafers need to get off their lazy asses, stop having kids out of wedlock, get an education, stop wasting money on smokes/dip/booze, and stop wallowing in party first country music. They need to pull themselves up by the bootstraps

Obama is center left, not a liberal.

Cocaine's a helluva drug.

Downvoted for buying the bullshit argument that Huey was a bad guy.

We do, but they have been teaching that McCarthy was right, yet bad in his methods. They cite the fact that Hiss was a commie spy as proof of this assertion. I know because I had a kid argue this with me last year in APUSH

The states get to do the gerrymandering, not The House

He's a fucking teetotaler and my grandfather told me never trust a man who cannot trust himself to drink

No, that's parts of the US. Not my part at all.