Ghost of Eazy E


Huey was no Trump. He built schools and roads and such for black people in Louisiana

Creating good jobs and bringing money back from overseas.

Aim them at Austion, Houston, or The ATL. We can flip Texas or Georgia

Of course. I'm just trying to cut through the emo mopeyness Really, its about 8 months cause lots of spots are open at the state and local level next year

Leeches. Alligators are noble beasts.

Like Carter, I think he was a decent and moral man who was profoundly unsuited for the job.

Sorry, i misread that. I'll be praying that somehow HW Bush takes control via a little known codicil in Faber College's charter

I want more people to opt out. If you cannot explain how a bill becomes a law or explain why Federal debt is no necessarily a bad thing, then you really should opt out of voting

CNN is the worst. At least Fox, OAN, and Newsmax choose a fucking side.

We don't know that. The exit polls say that, but the polls are shit in general. No one knows who voted for whom because we have a secret ballot.

No, things are better for me and most black people than they were 40 years ago.

But W was at least a man who loved his country…

Never said that did I? I said there were threatening crowds of TPers who were described as angry yet patriotic. These kids are being called worse things (those rioting in Portland deserve that) that they are not.

I know. You guys are a cycle or three away from being purple.

And that is not scary in any way at all.

Two years, two fucking years, man. We need to fight the good fight for two years.

Jeff Foxworthy
Nick DiPaolo
Tyler Perry as Medea

And there are more of us. We need to send throngs of younguns into Austin and Tulsa and Pittsburgh/Philly to turn them bluer than blue and flip some seats

Two years. Think of it as two years. We need The Senateback and maybe the House.