Ghost of Eazy E

It was bigotry, not just racism. They fear and hate PoCs, Muslims, and LGBTQ people.

No, a record as an elected or appoint official. The man fucking refused to take first strikes off the table and to give nukes to The Saudis. That scares me more than his crackerism

I like how The Tea Partiers were loyal Americans, but the people protesting now are an angry mob. Nicely done, yet again corporate media

4 is total bullshit. They are white Americans, mostly CIS heteros, they have been genuflected before and kowtowed to for their entire lives.Things start to get a little bit fairer for everyone else and they throw a shit fit. Fuck them with a goddamned studded dildo

There's an election a year from that that determines who runs the states and thus who gerrymanders the Cong Districts. Vote or better yet run. The year after that, are Mid-Terms do the same then

I am tired of media assholes like Lupica and Scarborough saying we have to wait and see what he does and not take him at his word. He has no record, so all we have are his words.

Yes, their bigotry and fear will not help them get jobs or make America safer.

He has my vote now.

I'm just stating the facts. Enough nimrods banded together to get him in and thus we are stuck with him.

No, his people were saying his internal polls had him behind as of Election Day Morning.


Drove them to? They are adults and can make choices, don't rob them of their agency.

Not your job. If they are too lazy to read and research things, then that's on them

I'd be down for that. I like Canada and Mexico needs a lift.

Great article. The problem lies with education and awareness. Anyone under 50 ought to have known that manufacturing jobs were on borrowed time.

We go lower to win. Going high obviously does not work, does it?

Yet Truman did just fine

Field of Dreams
Best of The Best

Trump's more Father Coughlin than Jackson. Jackson at least served his country in a time of war.