Ghost of Eazy E

They started this by lining up with terrorists and refusing to learn about objective reality. Here's an example, they fear lawless inner cities. The crime rate now is much lower than when their hero RWR was President. Pure facts.

Boxmasters sounds like the name a teenaged boy gives his band

Is spray foam really necessary or can I use batted insulation instead?

They refuse to crack open a properly researched book, but will read Bill O'Reilly's shit. They refuse to read The Economist but will devour People of ESPN The Magazine. The forward useless memes and Facebook hoaxes, but refuse to read anything of merit. They are lazy.

No, marching in the streets is not getting organized. Getting organized is showing up at town and school board meetings, running for local office, and such

No, Biggie was about to hang it up and become a Buddhist. He was tired of the game and wanted to walk The Earth. Puffy offed him to control all that money

That was a tantrum a well

When The First Lady tells America that she has scientific studies which show people who look like you have no conscience of humanity and thus gives the okay for society to treat you like a monster, you rarely forget that sort of thing.

How did I let Trump win? HRC carried my town, county, and state handily?

Feelings are not facts.I deal in facts and they have aligned themselves with terrorists directly by backing Trump and they have promoted his anti-minority, anti-LGBTQ message.

No mystery here:
Sean Combs killed Biggie to make more money.
Tupac is alive and in Cuba

You're really persian it with that pun

He was never that man. He was always a bigoted fascist

When have I as a moderate aligned myself with terrorists or an invading army?

National Review

No, it was phony.

First Trump, now this. We're really trying to piss the rest of the world off.

I no longer care what they think because they have aligned themselves with terrorists, The KKK and Neo-Nazis.

Nah, we can tell the truth about him using eminent domain to steal people's property as well as remind people that he doesn't know how to read.

Reason 125 why I love Seattle.