Ghost of Eazy E

Follow their lead and sabotage it all. I, for one, shall not be buying anything in PA or any other Red State. We need to hurt, harass, demonize, undermine, and otherwise wage non-violent warfare on them.

That is good. Work it, my brother or sister

Not you, the others.

Good. I want his government destabilized, then he can't get things done.

How can I change the minds of people who think all black people live in Boyz in da Hood and that my sister, who is a lesbian, is an abomination that must be cured?

There's no room for scruples or ethics any more. People's freedom to exit is at stake.

I see it like this for The Coalition of The Makers:
The Megapolis (Boston to DC)
The Free Cities of Houston and Austin
Cascadia (Portland, Seattle, Tacoma)

Look he got barely any votes in The Urban NJ Counties, so we're in with Manhattan or Philly

So, I'm supposed to respect their guy, when they attacked the basic humanity and loyalty of Obama for 8 years?

That's 1.

What are the goals of this movement?

Ego masturbation. Either get to work in the system or blow the system up, this sort of thing is useless.

How many of them actually voted?

I agree, but I'm trying to provide some context given how the media refuses to do so.

Trump voters certainly are, I mean what sort of adult would vote for a man who said The Wahabi Saudis might need nukes?

But he is our President, you fucktards. Stop throwing tantrums and get organized. Run people locally next year. If you're on campus, get on whatever body allocates funds. Do something positive

His staff hid files and did petty acts of vandalism

Where does it say that he must meet with the new guy in The Constitution?

Thank you.

I'd like to reach out to them….and snap their necks.