Ghost of Eazy E

I doubt that I think Trump is marking out for himself now and believes he's the only one who can do it.

I was alive and remember her and Bill killing welfare, passing a massive crime bill, and trafficking in dog whistles.

No, Chief of Staff to Transition Chief. There's no law that says he has to sit down with a hateful man who called him a foreign infiltrator. When was the last time that happened?

People wonder why some black voters stayed home (I did not) but I've been talking to some old heads and the most common answer I got was "Crime Bill." Number 2 was "welfare reform." She and Bill did and said some shit that people did not forget. I think they were wrong to stay home, but I understand how she looks as

And they'll claim he has a mandate and massive movement when he got as many votes as Kerry and McCain and fewer than Mittens.

It's disappointing that someone like you thinks it's okay for Trump to question a black man's "Americanness" for the better part of a decade.

No it wasn't. What did she do as Senator or as Co-President to fight corporate greed?

How'd it work out for his second term?

I'm a pragmatist who fears a man in charge who refused to take first strike off the table, had no idea what the nuclear triad is, and said it's a good idea to give he Saudis nukes.

No, Team Clinton did not handle it nicely.

He could do it without talking to Trump personally.

He literally has nothing to lose.

Dick Luger

By whom? Most people like me always knew he was a piece of excrement

What system?

Given that the President Elect believes that we should use nuclear weapons more often and believes more countries need them, we're rightly fucked.

Local elections. Get behind or even run for school board, zoning board, city council, and so on. That's how The TPers and Christian Cons rose to power. It works

No, no, no! Chris Jericho has the only list that matters:

Their spelling matches their understanding of foreign affairs, trade, basic economics, biology, geography, and so on.

I hoping Ted Cruz and his Freedom caucus hook up up because Teddy's ambition sees an opening