Ghost of Eazy E

And that got so much done these past six years, right? Why is it okay for white men (Trump and Bill Clinton) to be angry and loud, but Obama must be classy?

The moron already effed up by calling Ireland's PM before The UK's and Germany's.

Beat me to it

No major losses there.

So a man questions your integrity and American bona fides for years and you punk out when you meet him? Obama is such a disappointment.

I am not a white liberal.

No, their bigotry and fear got him elected.

Amen to that. She could have pulled this off, perhaps, i she chose Booker or a Latino as VP.

And they used polling prior to the election done by the same folks, so why trust it after the pre-election polls were so off?

I voted and my town, county, and state all went for the sane side.

I say we do this:
The City (Boston to DC including close suburbs)
Norcal (SF/OAkland)
Socal (LA and any moderate areas nearby)
Cascadia (Portland/Seattle/Tacoma)
Free Cities of Austin and Houston

There are jobs all over in the service industry and I know guys in construction that would love to have a bright kid help clean up the sites or work as security for them. Hell, we have trouble finding subs in my district and we pay $125 a day

How does it feel to be told you're subnuman and not worthy of equal rights? Sucks, huh?

Been doing that since yesterday

No, The People Eater. Overweight and obsessed with money

It would prevent the states with poor education systems from tilting the playing field.

Urine filters sold separately

That was the exact point I was making, that they say that about others but refuse to live by it

When did I discourage their reproduction?

They still get 1 vote. AP Tests exist