Ghost of Eazy E

Why not, couldn't get any worse?

Take AP Gov and APUSH tests and that score is the weight your vote has.

I'd give everyone one vote and work from there.

If they are applied in a race-blind way, sure

The Trump voters are to blame because they are bigots. Why else would someone vote for a bigot unless they shared his beliefs. There were at least 4 better options in the primaries

It's not a want thing. They have by virtue of being born white. A poor white man gets a County College Education and cleans himself up he has an easier time getting a job than I do.

Which is why we need weighted voting. The fact that they can talk about fighting Islamic Fascism in one breath and want The Wahabi Sauds to have nukes in another proves they should not be allowed to vote.

Great film.

Why the fuck do I have to meet them there when they refuse to see me as a human being?

Well, Yoda is a Jedi and The Sith do disagree with his assertons about size

And speak in "funny" American Indian accents

Sure and people voted for Trump because of his policies

Nope, just The Trump voters fault. If no one voted for Trump he could not possibly win.

So, they don't take his words seriously when he explicitly says things like maybe Saudi Arabia should have nukes or NATO might need to be abolished? They are more dangerous than I ever imagined.

I figured the Dark Side fucked him up

I liked the film and felt it was third best. People are just being salty because the lead wasn;t a white man for the first time in the series' history

If we have no white men, who will dance awkwardly at parties, use too much mayo on sandwiches, and wear Sans-a-belt slacks?

Last I saw, Mittens had him by 400k or so. I miss Mittens


What the fuck does that mean. I take him at his word as a serious threat to world security. Man tells me he wants The Wahabi Saudis to have nukes, I'm believing him and seeing him as a serious threat