Ghost of Eazy E

Well, Trump loves his one daughter very, very, very much

Yes, there is. You are deluded if you think that there aren't that many bigots in the US

I voted like five times….wait I've said too much.

Not even the point. How could any sane person think giving those fuckdoodle a nuke was a good idea?

Isn't he the crackhead who got caught with a fuckton of drugs at an airport? You know, the kind of thing that would get a black or Latino guy sent away

The KKK is a terrorist organization, so I'd not vote for someone endorsed by AQ or ISL

I figured that. How about we give you a visual code so that we know you're a good guy. Here's what I got:

59 million is not half of 300 million.

How is it race baiting when they have legitimately benefitted from their whiteness?

That never happened because of their privilege. Mediocre white men have been able to become middle class because others were excluded and oppressed. The profitted because others were held down. We're not all the same.

You're a Canadian, so I doubt you really understand this, but people who vote for a bigot who promotes hatred are bigots.

That's why I said that. They have said that shit about poor people of color forever. So, they should pull themselves up by their beloved bootstraps and fuck off

If you live on either coast, the odds are you didn't vote for this tinpot dictator.

It could be good for us all…

They only live pay check to pay check because they made bad choices. If they either went to trade school or college, then the odds are they would not be so put out.

We=people of color, people who are LGBQT, women, people with disabilities, etc.
you guys=white, hetero, CIS men

Sell the grain stored in pyramids…

How can there be a middle ground when one side voted for a guy who wants The Saudis to have nukes?

So I have to understand people who fear/hate me and think my sister is an abomination? Hard pass.

Please explain where Leftists stop criticizing Obama.