Here, use these lead knuckles. We're going for a thing here.
Here, use these lead knuckles. We're going for a thing here.
What's the over/under on him losing his shit like the KONY guy?
Cautiously upvoted.
Is that the right example to set for your imaginary daughter, though?
But because it's Glass, they're all nearly fucking identical.
Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians?
Oh man, I love Slavers for the terrible things it does to me. But putting a good Slavers on Netflix is pretty much going to ruin Netflix' innocence.
Kevin Bacon's penis.
Fuck yes Star Trek VI. We were halfway out of our seats cheering.
Speed Racer. In IMAX. Just so visually perfect.
He's only doing a practicum, see.
Plus some libraries have Criterion streaming anyways. If yours isn't, politely ask them to get on that.
Fair enough.
Yes, Justice League came first. Doesn't mean Stan wasn't nervous about doing superheroes for a different publisher.
… actually, yes. Superhero comics were pretty much blackballed in the 50s thanks to Fredric Wertham. Stan Lee wanted to do superheroes again, he was just trying to not provoke a "think of the children!" reaction from the public.
Stan Lee didn't give them costumes in issue #1 because he was scared of pitching a superhero book to the public. After the sales success, he brought in the costumes literally as soon as he could, issue #3.
It's okay. Some of us have absolutely nothing to say, either.
They just scraped up whatever ass was left over!
Just make the puns. We don't need any of your glockin' spiel.
But seriously, they're not allowed to Shaffer another fifteen months.