Nice E28 tho
Nice E28 tho
Um, since when is carrying a concealed loaded pistol a 'sport' or 'hobby'?
Except poor people go to prison when they fuck up.
He’s a black belt in Hulk Smash.
The internet fired the first shot, by making us so wary of online ads (throughs pop ups, autoplays, sounds, epilepsy inducing light effects, etc.) that no one even wants to give the new round of ads a chance.
Do you even understand the culture at all? Do you know how many engine swaps take place in the stance world? LS powered Mazdas, 2J powered BMWs, S52 powered Nissans... The list goes on and on. People design their own turbo set ups in their garage and slap them on their weird cars with zero aftermarket because they can…
Tyler, one word: Hubble.
This needs more stars. I’m normally right there with Tyler in what he writes, but as someone who went to Space Camp twice, and spent years making model rockets and immersing myself in everything space-related, this made me extremely angry to read.
“Sadly, the Shuttle Program would turn out to be more of a very expensive anchor that would keep mankind stuck in orbit for decades than a economical space plane that could facilitate exploration beyond earth’s orbit.” Incorrect. You need to research the unclassified Shuttle program accomplishments. No need to even up…
Beyond this being dangerous for actual victims of domestic abuse, I think it’s kind of self-congratulatory and gross to think that just taking part in a viral campaign is in any way doing any real good. Donate money, volunteer somewhere, but making a status update or tweet in instagram post does nothing but make the…
In not entirely unrelated news, today New Jersey scored a legal victory when the Third Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to a rehearing of a previous ruling that squashed the state’s attempt to legalize sports begging.
Wait, how does her doing this while pregnant make it more disgusting? I’m pretty sure we’ve already hit peak awful here, right?