Ghost N7

Nice to hear of the changes, but man—I’ve lost all will to play anymore. A case of too little too late maybe?

Units seem much sturdier than previous games, but you will start to feel the hurt when you run into an ungodly amount of Witches. Basically NO ONE has Resistance in this game, so every mage encounter is tough, but Witches can teleport behind you and lay the smack down on basically any unit. I’m mid Act 4 and they

“boo hoo random person on the internet doesn’t play the game like I do therefore they aren’t playing the game correctly

Give it a rest, man. You don’t like the game. We get it. Let people like what they like. Your bitching on ever BotW article is childish, and it’s getting old. You sound like a whiny toddler.

It does, its after Twilight Princess, one of the cutscenes gives it away, also the 10,000 year war its the events before Skyward Sword but they refer to Demise as Ganon(since it is the same being after all), remember that Demise was sealed at the beginning of Skyward Sword and the timeshift stones hinted at a really