
This, chinese asian people are racist as hell. To Indians and anyone who is not white or chinese.

You have valid criticism. But I feel the movie was dumb popcorn stuff. It was well paced in it’s direction and the action was coherent. Some of the scenes were art. The fire in the background stare scenes between Samuel Jackson and Kong, the sword scene in the poison gas, the kong scene in the river with the kraken,

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Yep, and the animated series did it way better

Yes it’s hard when your commute is 20 miles one way everyday in bumper to bumper traffic. I love to drive. I hate commuting.

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It was super boring but the last race between the environmental cars and steel cars was good and made me chuckle a little. Otherwise pretty meh. The celebrity joke is not funny, the american driver part is not funny. All in all the show is trying too hard to make every minute funny when sometimes we just want to be

Please don’t let this guy ever play Titanfall...