ghost in a jar

that’s not what demonstrably said, and that’s not what aziz is, and you know it. was it rape? no. was it sexual assault? yeah. (some would argue no but they’re not the victim in this scenario.)

It’s shocking that a group like the Republicans, who regularly deny science, has zero understanding of science.

Perhaps, but can the FinDoms melt belly fat with just 1 weird trick?

From hearing her speak over the years, no, Wendy Williams certainly does not know how a vagina works.

I kinda like the idea of someone calling their vagina an athlete. Idk what that makes mine though. A member of a walking club? Someone who occasionally plays sports but only while drunk?

From the tweet up top, it looks like that’s exactly what she said?

On the other hand, what’s it worth to you to live without all those creepy conversations imbedded in your mind?  

how she earned $42,000 in a day from one guy

FinDom, the art of insulting and humiliating men and then making them pay for it.

I feel the same about toddlers but hey I’m out of luck.

Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

I’m hurt because I couldn’t bring my emotional support blue whale.

yup, the mother needs help, but if you think in any scenario that “mother” should have ever kept that kid you’re insane. She doesn’t deserve to be a mother to a human being.

Joke is on the airlines, I carry billions of emotional support bacterial organisms with me on every flight.

I saw the statement in Facebook right after it was posted, didn’t even think about the SOTU. I liked the statement, I understood her reasoning and her regret. She makes no bones about the fact that hindsight is 20/20, in fact she devoted one of many paragraphs to that idea.

State of the Union

Latex, you twit. They were wearing latex, not silicone. Silicone is heavy and tears easily, latex is thin and strong.

A few thoughts: You are literally no fun at parties.

I read this and felt like instead of telling any stories about the event, or try to connect with the people, you wrote a diary entry about how you went somewhere you weren’t super comfortable and weren’t welcoming in return to the people who tried to speak to you and then you left. That’s a huge bummer all around and