ghost in a jar

“styling my tresses”

“I’m not politically correct.”

Hey now, don’t bring the sacred Festivus pole into this!

Looks like you got right to the root of the problem.

Jesus, Kathleen. Jesus Christ Goddammit.

Yes! This was my first thought!

Enjoying my new (free) IUD before Mike Pence personally invades my household and snatches it from my body.

I had one as a kid, but there were no decent knockoffs available then. I think part of it was the delight if looking at it in a catalog all the time and hoping for it, and then, when I finally got one, receiving it in the mail. It seems like the company had more cachet back then, too, before they sold out to Mattel.

I keep my dog very close to me and and don’t let her approach any dogs I see on the street, just to be safe—because I don’t trust other dog owners and I also know she’s too big to play with most of the dogs we see in my neighborhood. I just don’t believe that all bigger dogs are trying to attack and all big dog owners

Owner of a large, dopey, calm dog here, and I find she doesn’t have much of an issue with/pay attention to other dogs unless they’re yipping in her face, but I don’t blame it on the purse-dog owners. 🤷

Rick Salomon starred in (and released) that Paris Hilton sex tape. Something feels wrong about the fact that her brother is dating his daughter. It’s not technically wrong, but still...

Love Shade Court, look forward to reading it every week.

Why not protest, march, AND vote?

Nope, if anything I overpack snacks and then panic when I get to the airport and buy a bunch there too! I’ve been too hungry on too many planes to leave it up to chance. 2 Clif bars, 2 packs of cashews, an apple, a bag of dried fruit, a diet Coke, and a bag of M&M’s, minimum.


Around these parts, it’s “laxadaisical.” *twitch*

This needs more stars.

To feel something other than all-consuming rage for one hour a week?

“the largest stationary store Worcester, Massachusetts”
