Well, he is a co defensive member with J.J. Watt and I’m sure he is happy with that. Texans will probably do better this year as long as DeShaun Watson stays healthy.
Well, he is a co defensive member with J.J. Watt and I’m sure he is happy with that. Texans will probably do better this year as long as DeShaun Watson stays healthy.
We actually love Bud Chelada Picante (add more salt, Cajun Spice, Accent). We may be the minority liking this but if you like “Bloody Marys”, you might like this. Important note: Bud Chelada PICANTE is the best!!!! Would like to try a “BeefMatto” version...
On the one hand, they fucked up his face and gave him perpetual meat sweats. On the other hand, he has J.J. Watt arms for no apparent reason. So maybe it all evens out.
Well when it’s 3rd and long, you’ll be happy you have a defensive end who knows how to pin his ears back.
Why are you bringing up politics? Deflect much?
Joe Montana didn’t die Dwight Clark his old teammate did... Love my brisket & ribs though!
“if you do it right” - Crock-Pot removes the guess work...
Why does it have to be wrapped in foil? Doesn’t plopping the meat mixture in the crockpot work just as well?
What is it with bell peppers in meatloaf? Somewhere along the way, someone decided bell peppers belong in everything. Personally, I blame makers of tv dinners.
Thanks bud! After Robert’s comment i used the google to look up the answer to my question, which sent me into a butter black hole. I came out of said blackhole with your answer’s understanding. I also learned that unsalted butter does not keep as long as salted butter which I couldve figured out with my brain, salt…
The first step is to admit you have an A-1 sauce problem.
I agree, but dammed if I can ever find a pencil when I need one, much less a magnet! ;)
I've found stud finders (especially cheap ones) to be inconsistent at best and frustrating as hell... and I think there are plenty of times when someone might want to do a quick job without running to the store to get a stud finder if they don't already have one. This is just good-to-know info for someone who might…
The US has plenty of houses that aren't stick-framed either, but I hope it's clear enough by the title that we're specifically talking about walls with studs and those who are trying to find them (wherever they may be located) so I don't think it makes sense to write out a long list of exceptions every time I use a…
Settle down. We knew this wasn't going to set the all-time page view record, but enough people have read and commented to have made it worth my meager while (though I appreciate your concern for my time).
If you can get your hands on it, get Mexican Fresca. It's not diet and uses real sugar.
Amen from an Austinite! Here's my patent-pending michelada mix recipe (I don't use fancy measures so much): Fill half a big mason jar or pitcher with clamato juice, juice about 5 or six limes into it, add some healthy dashes of Worcestershire and hot sauce (Cholula chipotle works nicely), salt, cracked pepper, and a…
I think you maybe overstated the case a bit there. I can see grabbing a 24-ounce single out of the cooler as a one-timer on the walk home from work or whatever, some scenario where you've got a little craving but don't want to bother assembling one yourself. Which is why I think they'll fail, because the huge beer…